The Colts organization was saddened recently with the news that Noah Seger, one of our Colt’s Midgets players last year, has a rare cancer called Ewing Sarcoma.

Carrabba’s in Citrus Park on Sheldon Road is hosting a fundraiser lunch on a date in August to be determined. The donation is $20 per person. It is our hope that a nice turnout of families and friends will help offset some of the overwhelming costs associated with Noah’s treatment. This is a call to everyone – not just Colts families – to rally behind the Segers in an effort to help in any way we can.

Tickets to the Carrabba’s lunch can be purchased online using the PayPal link below. Please make sure to print your receipt and bring it with you to the lunch. Those unable to attend the lunch can still use the link below to make a donation to help the family.

Let’s pull together to help the Segers out.

Categories: General